PDF: Ifigênia em Táuride: 3

Ifigênia em Táuride: 3

Ifigeneia –

Jej vyobrazenia sa zachovali na početných vázových maľbách a reliéfoch, najznámejšia je nástenná maľba Obetovanie Ifigeneie v Pompejach, ďalej rímsky reliéf Ifigeneia, Orestes a Pylades v Tauride (z 2. stor. pred Kr.) Z novodobého umenia je známy obraz Ifigeneia od Anselma Feuerbacha (z roku 1862, dnes v darmstadtskom múzeu).

Ifigenia HD completo

Espetáculo "Ifigênia", do Teatro Trilha, gravado em 28 de maio de 2016, no Ponto de Cultura Arte Garapa. Para saber mais da montagem consulte: .teatrotrilha .

Ifigênia em Áulide Eurípedes

Trabalho de teoria literária sobre o gênero dramático e o poeta Eurípedes.

Iphigenia in Tauris

The plot of Iphigenia in Tauris is similar to that of Euripides' Helen and Andromeda, both of which are known to have been first performed in 412. This has often been taken as a reason to reject 412 as the date for Iphigenia in Tauris, since that would mean three similar plays would have been performed in the same trilogy.

Iphigénie en Tauride

Iphigénie en Tauride was first performed on 18 May 1779 by the Paris Opéra at the second Salle du Palais Royal and was a great success. Some think that the head of the Paris Opéra, Devismes, had attempted to stoke up the rivalry between Gluck and Niccolò Piccinni, an Italian composer also resident in the French capital, by asking them both to set an opera on the subject of Iphigenia in Tauris.

Kindle Ifigênia em Táuride: 3

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